The road less traveled is full of gravel and stones
The road less traveled has no sense of direction towards home
It only knows forward
It only knows what lies in front of your feet
Filled with defeat
The road less traveled is for the brave
For those hungry to make a name for themselves
Those that don’t tire
The road less traveled is no place to retire
It’s a place to build
A place for those willing to sacrifice for a chance to live
A chance to breathe
Pull up your sleeves and fight
We don’t rest
Not even in the night
The road less traveled is not for the weak, meek
Keep track of time because you lose everyday
You must know what you came here to say
What you came here to do
The road less traveled is not for those who came to play
But for those who came to do
Put on the right shoe
So that when it’s time
You’re ready for kicking and screaming
Fight for your life
The road less traveled is not for those with rights, but those who earn
The road less traveled is for he who knows it’s his turn!
Archives for April 21, 2013
The Road Less Traveled
I Forgot to care maybe
I forgot to care once.
It was pre-puberty
There weren’t any hormones
Of which to speak, then the tragedy
My home, extended family all on their phones
Mommy said Daddy loved you
Everybody shed a tear
I watched them, I missed my cue
What was wrong, did I not care?
I grew up
My first real girl was clear of cork
I had turned into quite the little screw up
Thick, she was still pure, she still enjoyed her pork
I was determined to meet her cup cake
Blinded by “love” we merged knife and cake
Disillusioned she was no longer my cup of tea
Teary-eyed named me evil; did I forget to care?
I grew wiser
The Lord had broke me to remake me
I met another
Sad really, now even I say she completes me
I am eager to learn of perfect and “real” love
She’s on my mind right up to day’s end
I will perfect me to fit her like a glove
I will never forget right up to life’s end
where is the smile?
You bring smile to my face.
Sweet laughter is the sound you make.
Love is what you give.
Illness is what you cure.
Happiness where you from?
Where are you located?
Where can I find you?
How can I give you to everyone?
You come to us in choosing.
You come to us in satisfaction.
You there when needed.
Disappear when not chosen.
How do I store you?
What are you made of?
Happiness be with me
And you’ll forever be happy.
The Story Of Me
I am a girl
I am a different girl
I am a unique girl
I am just me
As well you can see
No one can be more me than me
Listen this is the story of me
I know I can be “high”
I know I can be shy
But this story can never be a lie
I might talk out of turn
But at times I make heads turn
Yep! That’s right my name is Matilda
Just so you cannot be bewildered
The story is going on for a little longer
A lot do indeed hate me
Many have failed to tame me
They call me many name
Some have even called me lame
But come what may this is my game
This Is The Story Of Me