Caged Heart

I wish I could say that about you,
That you were my first true love,
But I can’t,
You are the dream that came too late into the morning,
The one interrupted too soon before I even knew what was going on,
I wanted so desperately to see how the dream turns out,
I was driven by my own weakness,
To close my eyes tighter and try,
Try not to awake from the dream,
I enjoyed the dream too much for my own good,
You were in it and you were it,
I wanted you there,
But as my eyes fluttered open I was back where I began,
The dream was history,
I could hardly remember the details of the dream,
All I wanted to do was be alone and sob,
Sob at the loss of something my heart thought it desired,
Cry for something taken away too soon,
Much like a rose snatched before it got to bloom,
It’s beauty can only be imagined as it will never get to be,
I imprison my hurting heart,
In an attempt to protect it,
My mind agrees never to do any more wishful thinking,
No more far fetched hopes.