Archives for June 22, 2015

To Fear

Detach yourself from the memories i cling on.
You were never good enough for me.
The comfort I found in the corners of my darkest shadows,
Well, today breaks dawn of a whole new world.
As we divide, I deposit you in the brightest, shiniest days of my past,
And let you hang around the neck of my fears and hope gravity is never defied.
I shall seek self in the origins of mine
And let the wisdom in your words dissipate and attach itself to the air i exhale…
The seed that was left for life to water, Got better with age,
I now see what is for what it really is.
I now fear not.

My envy for the unknown

I lie behind the tall mountain tops
And long to drift beyond the seas
I duck and dive from the roots of my birth tree
And place myself under the shadow of one that is unknown to me
I stretch my eyes to the sky above
With a desire to follow the birds beyond the seas
I diverge my thoughts from the sunset which seems black and white to me
And admire one which my mind sees as marigold
I drink from the well, only the ones like me drink from
Dissolving its tastes into my taste buds
Adopting customs, whose backgrounds are unknown
I block out all which I could see
And envy a world invisible to me
Blinded by the mountain tops before me

If You’d Just Keep Quiet

If you’d just keep quiet-
Our kids would learn to trust
you again,
You’d restore the peace under
our roof,
You’d save our marriage.

If you’d just keep quiet-
You’d solve most of your
problems instead of focussing
on everyone else’s,
You’d do much better at your
job and earn the respect you
think you deserve.

If you’d just keep quiet-
You would have so much more
time on your hands to achieve
all you want to achieve,
You’d control your tongue
and save us a whole lot of

If you’d just keep quiet-
You’ make better decisions
and learn from those mistakes
you so often make,
The sun and moon would
smile at you every day of your

If you’d just keep quiet-
You’d be better able to control
your destiny,
You’d break free from your
own bondage,
You’d be able to handle life’s

If you’d just keep quiet, and
choose fewer words,
Your life would be a whole lot
easier than this,
You’d stay humble and be

Caged Heart

I wish I could say that about you,
That you were my first true love,
But I can’t,
You are the dream that came too late into the morning,
The one interrupted too soon before I even knew what was going on,
I wanted so desperately to see how the dream turns out,
I was driven by my own weakness,
To close my eyes tighter and try,
Try not to awake from the dream,
I enjoyed the dream too much for my own good,
You were in it and you were it,
I wanted you there,
But as my eyes fluttered open I was back where I began,
The dream was history,
I could hardly remember the details of the dream,
All I wanted to do was be alone and sob,
Sob at the loss of something my heart thought it desired,
Cry for something taken away too soon,
Much like a rose snatched before it got to bloom,
It’s beauty can only be imagined as it will never get to be,
I imprison my hurting heart,
In an attempt to protect it,
My mind agrees never to do any more wishful thinking,
No more far fetched hopes.

Strangers on a path

Two strangers on a path,
together walk a mile,
stolen glances made,
laughter in silent thought shared.
Hand in hand, in silent march.
Whispers in the wind flutter and echoes through the night thunder.
hand in hand, in silent match towards a cherished dream.
Beknown to both a common plea,
shared by both in cavities deep.
Yet hand in hand they walk a mile,
in silent march,
with faces which speak of mountless tales.
At the crossroad backs do face,
in the absence of an embrace.
Two strangers on a path
hand in hand
in silent march.