You need not to apologize for your beauty
Your dark injected cultured skin
Rubbed on it, smells herbal oil,
Puffed with cocoa dust,
Darkened toned chocolate legs
Twisted in a cat walk.
Head held up high
Up where exquisiteness flags
Swing their tails.
Reflection of confidence in your eyes
Should be emitted on the
Grass land your heels
Beat beats on.
Defined as your
Waists attracts attention
As it swings your tail side to side,
Curled curvatures pronounced
And respect your embodiment deserves,
Should be printed on your forehead.
Retailing and serving your
Art sculpture to vultures
Forfeits dignity to infinity.
Let real men unroll carpets,
For you deserve not to lie in caskets
And let a penny drive you.
Let no adjectives switch lights off for you.
Let your emotions dance courage songs
In gardens of high esteem.
Let no corner whistles
Prescribe definitions for you
Let no external appearance
Deceive you.
Your voice should tune
Heritage songs to African ears,
Not to shout in modern streets
With a stoned body guys take out tongues for.
Your hands should restore the nation,
Not to slide in men’s pockets, grabbing
High quality hard-pronounced liquor,
Blocking bullets and wiping bitter tears.
An African sister.
You deserve better.