You promised me a fairytale
You promised me a happy ending
You promised a better life
I trusted you, you were my safe haven
I tried to satisfy you, please you but It seems it wasn’t enough
Wasn’t i good enough?
Wasn’t the love i gave you good enough?
I gave up everything i had just to be with you, turned my back from my family and friends
I gave you the best of me
I gave you my heart and soul
I gave you love
I gave you happiness
I gave you my virginity
But Why the other girl?
Archives for March 2016
Why the other girl?
Grey clouds
Grey clouds surround me
the darkness envelopes me
as the light fades
the gloom fills my soul
and I cry out for help
but no-one hears me
no-one sees me
I am drowning in unhappiness
joy evades my soul
as I hide behind a smile
grey clouds still surround me
I can’t get out , can’t see the light
so i descend into the darkness
of my mind
grey clouds have become my prison
Mastholen’ ( the Zimbabwean nightmare)
“I’m unable to help you, incapable“I’m unable to help you, incapable… It has little to do with that. Look, listen, labl…
Lebo! ; You’ve lost your first love. Like,… like, listen:
‘Looks like you’ve been lying this whole time
Implying you weren’t lying the last time.
Loosen up, lose the bluff
Luke Chapter five (lazy…)
Lackluster lingerie,
Lingering smells of burnt lasagna,
Liquor, spells and that Inyanga
Leave early, like around twelve
Life’ll surely continue by myself
An ender to happiness
All i see around me are sad faces, eyes full of tears.
An ender to happiness
The moment i said those words it happened that so many words come up to my mind, words like sorrow, depression and heartache
It is mistrious, it happens so fast, sudden, unexpectly
It happens in a blink of an eye
It is like your shadow it follows you everywhere you go, you will never know when it will catch up with you
We live each day wonder of whether we will be able to see the coming day
Some say it is the begining of lonliness, an ender to happiness
Others say it is a curse,bad luck, a calling from heaven but it is death itself, it haunts everyone you will never when it will come to your doorstep
A brand new soul
A brand new soul means new beginings
New life on earth
Filled with pureness,it brings holiness
Filled with hapiness it overwhelms our hearts,puts smiles on faces and makes us see life in a different perspective
It looks so beautiful, so innocent
Like a rose just after it blossomes
Like the sunset
By just looking at it, it brings tears of joy
It unites families
Creates peace between people
It lightens up each day
It is so tiny and fragile that it needs to be groomed,nurtured and well taken care of
It is valuable and precious
The best thing that can happen in a women’s life