
There is beauty in getting older
we become so much bolder
free to be yourself
wisdom is now your wealth

courage …yourself to express
to age is to be blest
trying all things new
like a tree u grew

no need for acceptance
by those in your presence
dont succumb to views of old age
embrace in life this new stage

Had i said no

Had i said no
would you let me go
and mourned my leaving
wanting me back – pleading

had i said no
would you at my door show
asking me to stay
love you would you say

had i said no
would i still fee low
or happy would i be
that you still wanted me

had i said no
i will never know
for i said yes
being your wife no less


When i wake i see u
my heart starts paining
my eyes moist like dew
any ounce of joy waning

i met u once
yet you still haunt me
we only spoke once
that meeting destroyed me

for i dont forget you
i cant move forward
your’e no ghost thats true
but by you i’m haunted

if only you’d leave my thoughts
for there you dwell
another mothers daughters
for you make living hell


Golden sun leaves now
sky darkens slowly over the earth
silver moon is here

Twenty years

Its been twenty years
still you’re my fear
tried to forget you
WHAT can i do
wine i have tried
only to make me tired
avoid your name
unfortunately its a common name
your husband has forgotten you
i only pray that mine does too
you’re not in the country
i am still not free of you
its been twenty years
you’re still my biggest fear
so now i am on meds
please thoughts leave my head
perhaps i should cease to exist
thoughts about you wont persist

Thank you Jehovah

Why have You drawn me
to You -from everyone else
what do You see in me
that no-one else sees
You have loved me from the start
even when i never reciprecated
You give me so many chances
knowing I will let you down again
thank you Jehovah
for loving me for giving me life
thank You for listening to me
even though i am dust
thank You for your son
oh Jah of the heavens thank you thank you thank you

You give so many chances

Letter to my ex

Yes Jack I know
about Candice and lloyd
i suppose that now makes
me good enough
lloyd was very vocal about
how you were
trying your luck with candice
i asked you about her in december
you lied to me
i cannot believe i was so stupid
to believe saying you were
just friends
what really hurts the most
was that i really had strong feelings for you
to you i was someone to amuse
yourself with
when you were in the cape
i hope really hope that oneday you meet someone that you truly care about and that she hurts you
the way you hurt me


I have the flu
i am feeling blue
i’d like a hug
you could catch my bug
maybe i need sleep
goodnight my tweeps


Red is for freedom
Red is for escape
Red is for courage
Red is for strenght
Red is for power
Red is for blood
Red is for life ,my life
and the only way to stop
this pain- is to cease to exhist ……


I smell the jasmin
the wind calls me to smell
i open the door