“Magnificence” International Call For Writers by ArtAscent – Deadline February 28, 2015

| Theme:
This call theme is “Magnificence” A concept that is noble or sublime. A thing that is lavishly munificent or extravagant. An object that is of exceptional beauty, size or other feature. A place that is extraordinarily fine or superb. A person of greatness, making a splendid appearance or show. A feeling of grandness. What magnificence will you showcase?

| Eligible Submissions:
Entries may include fiction, poetry, short stories and other written explorations (up to 900 words). Previously published or unpublished are eligible. Submissions must be the original work of the applicant(s).
Open to international artists. Apply using the online form.

| Highlights:

The Gold writer will be featured in the ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal complete with an artist profile review written by our art writer. From three to seven writers in total will be published in ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal; showcased, along with website links, in an online exhibition on the ArtAscent website for at least two years; and, promoted on the ArtAscent Facebook and Twitter feeds.

| About ArtAscent:
The mission of ArtAscent is to promote artists of images and words, and connect them with art lovers. This is accomplished by calls for artists and writers, artist profiling, art magazine publication, and artist and writer online showcasing. Each call is theme based, with the intent to showcase diverse creative explorations of that theme via various media.

| Call application:


  1. “Magnificence” International Call For Writers by ArtAscent – Deadline February 28, 2015 Link broken?

    Not found, error 404
    The page you are looking for no longer exists. Perhaps you can return back to the site’s homepage and see if you can find what you are looking for. Or, you can try finding it with the information below

    • Hm, not sure why the link isn’t working in the post. It is correct. An alternative way to get to the url is to go to http://www.ArtAscent.com, click on Calls (near the top right), then click on the the first call: “Magnificence” Call For Artists! Call for Writers!

  2. I am new to this site where would I find the online form to enter? Please send me a link

    • Hm, not sure why the link isn’t working in the post. It is correct. An alternative way to get to the url is to go to http://www.ArtAscent.com, click on Calls (near the top right), then click on the the first call: “Magnificence” Call For Artists! Call for Writers!

  3. Please mail me the link seems to be broken . hash.soul@gmail.com

  4. Hm, not sure why the link isn’t working in the post. It is correct. An alternative way to get to the url is to go to http://www.ArtAscent.com, click on Calls (near the top right), then click on the the first call: “Magnificence” Call For Artists! Call for Writers!

  5. When I copy and paste the link from my original post into a browser, it works. You might like to try that approach too.

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