Where were you when I needed you?

Where were you when I needed you?
When confusion was all I saw as a little child
When our family was being torn apart
When life gave me no reason to smile…
Where were you when I needed you to tell me everything’s going to be alright?
Where were you when I needed you to take away my lonely nights?

As a kid there was times I needed a hand to hold
When darkness filled my mind
When darkness was all time sold and my head was filled with lies
I appreciate the toys and money you gave but that couldn’t bring a smile.
You called me useless, stupid and all sorts of names
I’m so sorry that I was made your child
Im sorry that i disappointed you again!
But where you when i needed you, to help me through the rain?

I needed someone to help me with my school work
But yet again alone I tried and tried.
Embarrassed because I couldn’t read in grade three
The joke of the class again I was but the reason they just couldn’t see!
Head filled with lie’s, lie’s was all I could tell
I did not want them to know what I’m going through
Showing how you felt was not so ‘cool’’.

Where were you when I needed you to hear my hearts deepest cry?
You weren’t there when I needed you ?
Now you know why I died inside!

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