• she made room for him
    in her heart
    and accommodated him
    within her space

    his warm embrace
    was her happy place
    and the more he opened up
    the more she let her guard down

    so she invited him to her […]

  • She was definitely unprepared to disclose any information which would exonerate him or redound to his honour, since she deemed his disinterest in her advances a damage done to her self-worth and confidence.

    She […]

  • HTMM wrote a new post, Uptown Abbey iv 8 years ago

    his heart held a modicum of attraction
    which quickly intensified that he hastily disregarded the opprobrium
    that would inevitably follow all unbefitting association with a betrothed woman

    and ripe as the […]

  • view zoomed
    on the jacaranda blooms

    breathing the air of home
    without a care
    as I sit out, on the veranda alone

    thinking of her
    something about the day
    and the season
    for some reason
    I’m reminded of t […]

  • my heart was open to a change of mind
    but as things stood I just had to leave her behind

    and since pleasure is the standard of choice
    I had to enjoy mine, hard as it was to resist our electric […]

  • Some doors are open and one can see the superficial displays,

    some are closed with windows that are double glazed.

    Some are clean typifying a kind of naivety,

    some are less so because of perhaps too much […]

  • HTMM wrote a new post, Sun Fly 10 years ago

    An insect flying at night time
    searching for light
    gets trapped in a light bulb cover.
    Suddenly it’s searching for something else other
    than what it initially sought.

    It longs for the dark again,
    but it […]

  • HTMM became a registered member 10 years, 3 months ago