• He whispered live and so I came to be
    His hands reached out as I took tentative steps in the direction in which He beckoned me
    His spirit trailed me as I journeyed through the valley’s of despair,as I mounted […]

  • I want you to know that I know who I am,not who you have made me out to be
    I’m done being the bridge over which you cross nor will I be the brooke from which you derive your sustenance
    I will not be purged by […]

  • As I cast my thoughts to the past
    I will to retrieve those spoken words
    That tainted and scarred my memories of you
    To bury them so deep that they cannot be exhumed
    To banish them from the minds that nurtured […]

  • Bundled up in the crevices of your heart
    No sound,nor taste or smell
    No remembrance of what was
    Or what ought to have been
    Here I remain
    Hoping my fire ignites your soul
    Praying my essence inspires your […]

  • Zain wrote a new post, FEELS 6 years, 10 months ago

    These feels halt me in motion
    Through obscurity they define you
    Pre-meditated thoughts clamour to embrace you
    My body groans to feel you
    Drowning in your essence
    Set ablaze by your presence
    These feels halt me in motion

  • I am deserving of a bit more
    I need more
    To be wanted wholly not partially
    Not at your convenience
    Not when it is an aid to your means
    To be desired
    To be cared for and cherished
    Adore me
    Seek me and never […]

  • Zain wrote a new post, Hush 6 years, 10 months ago

    Hush,do not utter a word
    For every syllable is laced with your poisonous deceit
    Refrain from pouring forth empty entices
    Withhold yourself from conjouring disappointment
    Peace,hold your tongue
    The source of my anguish

  • Zain wrote a new post, The Approach 8 years ago

    I see you, You see me
    Yet we don’t see each other
    We hide behind veils of pretense
    Yet conjure ungrounded opinions
    No acknowledgment is required
    But clarity is needed
    I’m wrong, You’re wrong
    Both at fault […]

  • Zain wrote a new post, Torn 8 years ago

    Stop lingering in my thoughts
    Cease from abiding in my dreams
    Let me go, let me be
    These stirrings in my heart
    Folly on my part
    Silent conflict raging through my mind
    Restless whispers clawing out my […]

  • Zain wrote a new post, Expressions 8 years ago

    Turmoil, as to how I came to be
    Because I ceased to be
    Existing within a perfect flawed state of being
    Looking at the reflection of what I ought to be
    Not who I am meant to be
    Bordered on the good-bad, of […]

  • Zain wrote a new post, HEALING 8 years, 3 months ago

    Saying goodbye to a mirage of my affection

    Sewing back torn heartstrings ruptured by deceit

    Ebbing the flow of undeserved tears

    Stemming my inclined thoughts

    Ceasing to display want of […]

  • Zain wrote a new post, My voice 8 years, 6 months ago

    I seek not to alter the fabric of space
    To unwind time irreversible
    What I seek, is the voice
    The voice that stands firm,
    Sets paths unchanged,
    Moves mountains untrailed,
    Sets fire unquenched,
    Builds […]

  • Two strangers on a path,
    together walk a mile,
    stolen glances made,
    laughter in silent thought shared.
    Hand in hand, in silent march.
    Whispers in the wind flutter and echoes through the night thunder.
    hand […]

  • A thousand names I own
    But they are not my own
    Echoes of my cries, mere sounds
    My blood sought in every crowd
    Wounded to danger, I am
    In a home that is not my own
    A reminder not to stay
    I have been casted […]

  • Zain wrote a new post, IT 9 years, 6 months ago

    I am it
    I am undefined
    I am paving the walls of self-discovery
    I seek myself in the depths of my inner most being
    I seek the life sustaining entity
    I delve into the source of this consciousness…
    The […]

  • Zain wrote a new post, My voice 9 years, 6 months ago

    My voice
    I seek not to alter the fabric of space
    To unwind time irreversible
    What I seek, is the voice
    The voice that stands firm,
    Sets paths unchanged,
    Moves mountains untrailed,
    Sets fire […]

  • Zain became a registered member 9 years, 6 months ago