Why why

What is why, why is why asked or pondered.
Why why?
Perhaps its not the answer that matters but instead its that there is an answer.
Perhaps its not the unknown that scares us but the fact that there is an unknown.
Maybe we ask the question for the answer not to know why but instead to know that there is an answer.

So then why.
What compels us to need to know that there is a known.
Instinct? Couldn’t be instinct.

I know fear is what drove me to be the person I am.
So am I just a product of predictable emotion?
A being that has been designed not by life experiences but the fear of them?

I crave sense but am driven to find that which does not make sense.
I want order but am constantly creating ways to disturb it.
I am a creature of contradictions. A living breathing thing that dos not live but instead questions why.

Why ask why?
Why why?
Perhaps its not the answer that matters but instead its that there is an answer.


Random rambling

Its rainy and cloudy and I can’t see a thing, I have this half cigarette which I picked up outside of corner tuck shop and trying to enjoy before anyone can see me, chances of anyone coming out in this dark and rain is very slim, but I need to be careful. I know some time when you least looking for trouble it come from all direction throwing you off-guard. So I try to be very careful when I am out for my little adventures, in this case, half burn cigrate picked up from the street. I always know that there are two types of people some who always get in trouble and some who never gets any trouble; I know no one in their right mind wants any trouble, but still some people just get into it all the time. I wonder, if I can knock on their sub-conscious brain and ask what you looking? They will reluctantly answer me “trouble.” Anyway I know my brain never even in when I am at sleep looking for trouble, I know as even in my sleep I am just scheming out to get out of trouble if I get one. So how come I get in trouble more often than all my friends and siblings. I think its law of Karma in some twisted sense, I heard from my aunt, saying my mother and father never got into any trouble when they growing up and they were not simple book warm kids as I see in my class, but somehow manage to stay away from radar. So I think it’s their Karma now attacking on me, I am paying price they should have paid while growing up. I heard a sound and my thought stopped, I looked across the street and in rain I see aunty Medi, what she doing here in this rain, she should not be here, she don’t even have an umbrella, I am weighing my options about going to help her or finish smoking every bit of cigarette I have in my hand. Reluctantly throwing away the cigarette, I walk towards her before she sees me with all the smoke, miraculously hoping in the rain she will not able to figure out I was smoking. She is drenched in mud and doesn’t look well. I ask her what she doing here at this time in this rain; she didn’t look up but seems she recognized my voice, so she asks me to stay quiet. She is trying to hide, what she is hiding and from whom? It’s too much for my brain to think now when I am still feeling sorry about dropping the idea of finishing smoke and coming to help someone who doesn’t really want any. However, I know if I wouldn’t have walk she would have saw me with cigarette and I would have gone for trouble later. So see while my brain was busy keeping me out of trouble I really lost the last bit of fun, which I could have. Oh, I think she is saying something to me; I should rather focus on what she saying than thinking about what my brain thinking.

My friend tease my for my day dreaming. I end up listening only half of their conversation and my brain takes me far away thinking about some word or something I picked up in the first line of their conversation. I feel bit shaken and looked up auntie medi is shaking my hand she is trying to show me something I look at her, not really able to see what she is trying to show, I decide to focus. She is showing me a book, what she is doing with a book, and why she was trying to hide it in first place, who needs a book in township. She thrust the book in my hand, ran back around, and disappeared; now I left with this book in rain. I am hoping she is not trying to tell me to go to school and read my books. if she wants to tell me that she should have told me any time why she came in this rain all the way running and disappeared. I walk along the side of big wall trying to stay away from rain and stopped close to lamp post, I open the book and realize it not a book, it’s a box, oh, and it has a gun. What I was thinking, I am in trouble again, and who will believe that Aunt medi came and gave me this in rain, what should I do? My brain not even trying to scheme me out, it telling me keep the book with the gun, I decide to walk away with book. I can hear police siren in distance and hoping this time it’s not me but someone else be in trouble.

A conversation with a stranger

Me: The world is such a small place. How did I come to be here at this diner at the exact same moment you have? There is no one for miles around us!

The stranger: Mere coincidence I believe?

Me: Yes, I guess so. But is it not strange that we came here with the exact same intentions, wearing the same clothing?

The stranger: Yes, it is rather curious. Do you believe you are here for a reason, meeting me like this?

Me: No, I don’t believe in stuff like fate. I believe in things I can see and touch.

The stranger: That’s rather tragic don’t you think? Would you prefer life to just come and go purpose free? For there to be only a beginning, an end, and a whole lot of meaningless living in between?

Me: No, not exactly. I mean, I don’t think my life is meaningless just because I don’t believe in anything after death. My life derives meaning from the people I love and care for during my time. Live in the moment kind of stuff…

The stranger: Oh, that sounds quite liberating I guess, to not be burdened by such fanatical concerns. Many other people will condemn your ‘beliefs’, or lack thereof.

Me: Yes, I find religion to be quite unpalatable. I keep my distance. And yes, I do find it liberating to not have to hide in the shadow of an oppressive, no wait, loving, all knowing… I’m going to stop there, you get my point.

The stranger: I don’t think I do. Do you not worry that when you die you may be confronted with the answer you refused to seek out all your life? That you are just an ant, utterly incapable of contextualizing another realm that exists around you? And you are confronted by some deity upon your death, reprimanding and banishing you to eternal damnation. Do you not worry about that being a possibility?

Me: Well, if that is the result, it would have been a nifty trick on the deity’s part. I mean what’s that all about! A god who leaves all these traces of evidence over time to trick you and give you overwhelming doubt about his/her/its existence – a test of faith they call it. Believe… Don’t question… No thanks. I would not have any regrets, definitely not. I won’t follow such a god.

The stranger: Well, it seems like you have thought about this long and hard. But you still haven’t satisfied my question. My point is you are basing your decisions on evidence bound by the physical earth. An ant cannot conceive of humans in its world, similarly, microscopic beings would not be able to conceive the existence of ants. What if you are just an ant, incapable of conceiving a realm beyond you, irrespective of diligent, curious people poking around with earthly things, trying to close gaps?

Me: Well, I think I would accept that. I have used all the available information I could have on this earth to make the most informed choices. If a force or god (whatever it may be) greater than me purposefully gave me logic and choice and an ability to comprehend this world as though it is not governed by the supernatural, then jokes on him I say.

The stranger: mmm, that would be a funny joke. Have you considered that it might actually be a joke?

Me: What do you mean?

The stranger: You make me laugh. Humans are so arrogant. I can’t blame you for it. I really can’t. You are to date, my favourite experiment. And let me tell you, I have many experiments!

Me: Ok, It’s been great chatting, but I have to go now. This has been real! Who are you anyway?

The stranger: Go where? You have nowhere to go. You also have not come from anywhere…well, in your mind you have, but of course there really is no such thing as ‘your mind’. This must be all a bit overwhelming for you… I understand. I will give you some time to process it.

Me: This has been a fun chat, but really, who are you? And stop with the roundabout riddles, what are you talking about?

The stranger: Well, I am the ant, and you are the microscopic, insignificant critter. You are my experiment, one of many. Some are successful and quite enjoyable, others not so much. This has been quite interesting, amusing if you will… Although I would be incredibly optimistic to say it was a successful one. How do you define success at something when there was no purpose to it in the first place? Excuse my smirk, I was terribly bored.

So there, you must really feel liberated now, coming right from the horse’s mouth. You do not have any purpose. You never were meant to have. If you don’t believe me I understand. I get it; see it to believe it and all that good stuff etc. etc.

Well, what do you have to say for yourself?

Me: I’m not sure how to respond to that. I will however play along… If I am a microscopic bug, who cannot interpret a world with you in it or around it, and you are the ant, what would a human be to you?

The stranger: Exactly! Now you are getting the hang of it. I simply don’t know. I don’t even care to! It’s beyond me. We sort of have that in common! Only difference is I’m not as arrogant as you are in your convictions! You irrefutably do not believe in me, yet here I am before you. Poof! Same applies to those who believe in an ‘idea’ of me, which comically varies on a grand scale with you humans.

Maybe I am the alpha and omega, or the devil himself, I’m not bothered with such petty labels. I must say with the latter though, I have been playing with the magnifying glass on a few sunny days of late… Call it a guilty pastime. Don’t pretend you have not been guilty of that one before!

Me: You are right, I don’t believe you. I have met a lot of crazies in my time. But you definitely take the cake! It’s been fun chatting, but I really have to go. I’ve got a ‘meaningless’ chore to do. Bye for now. Until next time…um, I didn’t get your name, stranger?

The stranger: Don’t worry about me, it’s pretty much as irrelevant as this conversation has been, or what you did prior to it. Any ant for that matter! It has been good chatting, but I have to run as well. I have just thought of a great idea for my next experiment. Enjoy your last… I mean the rest of your day. Goodbye, little ant.

Me: Ok, goodbye, um… human being.


Her maid and gardener are in fight again, she looks at them and not really sure what to say, Maid is with her since when she moved to South Africa and knows that she is a nice lady and really have no reason to fight with anyone. The Gardener start working in her garden few months back he is also a very down to earth hard working fellow, when first time he came in house, she thought he and maid will be good friend as they are from same age group, but she sense the tension in maid eyes first time she saw him, never able to realize why she look so troubled. Funny part is Gardner has done nothing to annoy maid but she is just cross with him. What can be a possible reason she will any way never able to figure out, South Africa is going through so much change and people not really seems to be as kind with each other as they appear. Maid is not young and she has seen the days of oppression and the way she see the world is totally different than her, seeing them stressing over nothing is not nice but they never say anything and in such times best thing, she think is to look aloof and hideaway in her own thought as for her this situation is not easy to solved, none of them have any real problem with each other yet they look so tensed when together.
She seems to lost in her own train of thought, she moved to South Africa few years back she grew up in a country where she never saw any discrimination and understanding these strain between the two people is beyond her reason but she also know these people have seen enough oppression and discrimination and they somehow got this right to be angry. She don’t really ever knew meaning of oppression till she moved to South Africa, for her only oppression she faced was when father used to forced them to do something without will or when she used to feel her sister always gets better clothes and toys as a kid that was her definition of oppression and discrimination. She think about it and feels bad, she is not mocking these people struggle, it just she happen to have easy life than her Gardner and Mai. She in her life time will never really able to figure out why her South African maid can’t stand her Zimbabwean Gardner, it’s just between them.

Turning on the Lights

“Helllloooo! Is anyone there?”

“Hi. Yes, I’m here.”

“Thank goodness! This is all very confusing. Where are we and why is it so dark?”

“You mean to say that you don’t know? Why, you’re in you, my friend.”

“Wait … what? That makes no sense! What are you talking about? Please quit with the funny business. I’m quite frightened and wouldn’t mind some real answers.”

“Ha ha! Yes, wouldn’t we all like that? But, I’m being quite serious. We’re in your mind and, unless you’re willing to accept that, I doubt there’s much more for us to talk about.”

“Listen here, man! I’m about to panic and that’s unlikely to end well for either of us. I can hear that you’re quite close. Now … please … tell me what the hell is going on!”

“Well, if you’re unwilling to listen to what I’m telling you, then panic … go ahead. It’ll be no skin off my back. We can talk once you’re done with your little rant. Do it … now.”

“Why you slimy bastard! Come here! I’m gonna ring your neck like a goose … aaaaahhhh … oomph … where the hell are you? If I get my bloody hands on you …”

“Are you done?”

“No! Wait! How did you get there?”

“I’m everywhere.”

“Damnit! You really are full of it, you know that? Is this some sort of sick joke? Am I being held for ransom?”

“In a sense, yes. But, you’re holding yourself.”


“Yup … this is all your own doing. The sooner that you grasp that concept, the sooner you can get us out of this rut.”

“Us? What do you mean? Why would I want to help you?”

“You might not want to. But, it’s an inevitable consequence of you helping yourself.”

“Who do you think you are, huh?”

“Who do you think I am?”

“I have no idea who you are. But, full of crap is WHAT you are! … Listen. I’m asking you nicely … please stop playing this silly game. I have friends, family … they’ll be worried about me. I need to get back to them. How do I do that?”

“Oh, don’t you worry about that. They have no idea that you’re even gone. This process can last as long or as short as you’d like it to, without it having an influence on them.”

“Process? What process? Wait! I asked you who you are! Stop with all the cryptic answers! This is serious business!”

“I didn’t say that it wasn’t serious. I’ve given you answers … but, you’ve refused to accept them. I’ve told you before that, unless you accept what I tell you, there’s no point discussing this any further.”

“Sigh … okay, you bastard. Let’s play your bloody game. Please, tell me everything.”

“It’s not a game.”

“Okay! Okay … fine. It’s not a game. Just tell me what’s going on.”

“Better. Okay. Like I said, you’re in your own head and you’ve put yourself here and …”

“Nonsense! Why would I have put myself here?”

“Listen, chump! If you keep interrupting me and telling me that I’m talking nonsense, then I’m likely to get quite bored of you and possibly leave you to figure this all out by yourself.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t get it though … what do you mean you’ll leave? Where will you go? Can’t I come with?”

“Never you mind where I’ll go. I have my places! It’s doubtful that you could follow, without compromising us both.”

“Okay … what do you mean by us both being compromised? What’s special about me … this place … these places … your places? Why can you go and not me?”

“Technically, by me going there, you go there … in a way. But, we can’t both go at the same time. It’s already bad enough that we’re speaking.”

“Huh?! Did you not undertake to stop with the cryptic answers?”

“Well … yes. But, it’s not entirely cryptic. Pay attention, boyo … they’re not my places. They’re our places. If you’re there, there’s some of me there, but, in the background, without you being aware of it. We can’t start going together openly! That would mess up the whole system!”

“System? What system? What are these places? For that matter, who are you and what is it about the system that prevents us from going together? You’re not doing a great job of explaining this all to me.”

“The system … the places … you … me … all the same thing. You’re an aspect of me and I’m an aspect of you, just like the places are aspects of us and the system is one overarching aspect of how we all work together. We probably could go together, but that’s never how it’s worked before. It would be risky. I’m not sure what would happen. But, I’m reliant on you and I’m not willing to risk it.”

“Okay, stop right there. This is getting quite ridiculous. Let me start from the beginning … you said that I’m in my own head and I put myself here, yes?”


“Why would I put myself here? For that matter, how did I put myself here.”

“You knew that you needed to be here. So, I brought you here.”

“Aha! So you did do this!”

“No. You did this.”

“But, you just said that …”

“You’re not paying attention, are you?”

“But …”

“No buts! I’ve just explained that it’s all the same thing in here … you and I included. What I have done and what you have done is not worth discussion. Ultimately, you’ve done this to yourself. Are you capable of accepting that?”

“Uhhhmmmm …”

“Good! Now let’s carry on …”

“Wait! I didn’t say that I accepted it!”

“But you did accept it.”

“No I didn’t!”

“Yes you did.”

“Okay, maybe I did, but, how did you … ah.”

“You’re catching on! I always suspected that you were smart!”


“Can we move on?”

“Yes, go ahead.”

“As I was saying, you brought yourself here. You have a problem and you need my help to sort it out.”

“Why do I need your help? I thought that we were the same thing … why can’t I just sort this out myself?”

“That’s what you’re doing, Einstein.”

“But, why you? Why not just me, without you? Why here?”

“Here is a good place to chat. It’s quiet. It’s dark. No distractions. I find that you’ve been ignoring me lately. It’s clear that you’re not coping on your own. You need me. So, I brought you here.”

“I think I see what you’re saying, but, I’m unsure. By you helping me, I’m helping me, because me trying to help me, without reference to you, was not solving my problem?”

“Something like that.”

“So, what do you propose that we do?”

“Now, that’s the big question, isn’t it? I’m not sure that I have the answer yet. Any suggestions?”

“Wait! What’s the point of all of this, if you’ve got nothing constructive to say?!”

“Calm down. You’re deluding yourself if you think that anything will be achieved by fighting with me. We’ve got to make this work together.”

“You’re right. It’s just all very frustrating.”

“Yeah, I get that.”

“Of course you do. So, what to do … listen, you’ve thrown all of this at me very suddenly. Do you think that you could let me go for a bit? I’ll mull things over and maybe we can chat about it when I’ve had some time to clear my thoughts.”

“Oh come on! You’re not going to fool me. You’ve been avoiding this confrontation for years. If you’d dealt with this up front, there would have been no reason for it to get to this. You’re here now. We’re resolving this. I’m not letting you go until we’ve worked through this. Anyway, you know that’s what you really want.”

“Is it?”


“Okay … yes.”

“And nobody else will know that this is all happening?”

“Why should they? It’s none of their business. You brought yourself here, remember?”

“I did.”

“Now that you’ve calmed down a bit, do you think that I could turn up the lights, just a smidgen?”

“Wait. Do I want to see what’s around me? Do I want to see you?”

“It’s nothing that you’ve not seen before. You may just have tried to forget. Anyway, it’s all your own doing, so, you should be able to cope with it.”

“Okay. Do it.”

“There! That’s better, isn’t it?”

“I suppose … it’s still very dark … I can’t see much.”

“One step at a time. Your eyes just need time to adjust. We’ve been in the dark for quite a bit.”

“You’re … you really are … me.”

“Did you think that I was fibbing?”

“One can always hope …”

“Funny guy. Is it better with the lights on?”

“Yes … a bit. I’m not so frightened any more. Why did you not turn the lights on in the first place?”

“Why didn’t you?”

“I … I didn’t know that I … yes, I should have.”

“Bygones. So, what’s bugging you?”

“It’s this problem. You know, as well as I do, that it’s been going on for years. I just want it to stop.”

“Okay. Do we agree that we’d not be having this chat, if you had not already accepted that it is a problem for us to resolve? Do you accept that this is nobody else’s doing and that it is not up to them to fix it?”

“Of course, but I wouldn’t mind some help.”

“From who, exactly? This is a problem of your own creation. Who better qualified than you to solve it? Who else better to identify the causes and ways forward?”

“I know you’re right. It’s just … difficult.”

“Well, of course. You’ve allowed this thing to firmly establish itself, so, it’s going to be harder to uproot. Is that a reason to quit?”

“Maybe …”

“No, it’s not! Do you not remember what it was like before this came along? Were you not much happier?”


“Would you not like to be in that space again?”

“Yes, but …”

“I said no buts! Gosh! Imagine everyone in the world had that attitude! Nothing of value would ever have been achieved. Man up, boyo! There’s some rough sailing ahead, but, we’re still within reach of land. Or, would you prefer to carry on floating about here, indefinitely?”

“Land? Rough sailing? What are you on about now?”

“You! Us! When I let you out of here, do you want to stick it out in the middle of a meaningless ocean, hoping that someone will rescue you, or, do you want to help yourself?”

“No. Let’s go for the land. I’m tired of floating about.”

“Good! Now, look around you. Did you notice that everything just got a bit brighter in here?”

“Why, yes! Look at that! It’s not actually so bad in here. Hey, you’re quite a good-looking chap!


“Ha ha! So, which way to land?”

“I’m not so sure anymore. It’s been a long time that we’ve been floating about. Any ideas?”

“No … but we can’t just set sail in any old direction. What if we go around in circles and never find where we’re looking for?”

“What if? What if? Well, what if we do? Surely, it’s worth the risk? If we stay here, we lose the game by default. If we just go for it, maybe we find land. What do you say?”

“Maybe … but, what if we land somewhere unfamiliar that’s not where we wanted to go?”

“Again with the what ifs! Stop it! Surely, any land is better than no land? From there, presuming it’s not entirely ideal, we’ll be able to better gather our thoughts, build up our strengths and then make another shot for where we want to be.”

“You make sense, you know that?”

“Yes, I do. You do realise that you just reached that conclusion yourself, right?”

“I suppose, yes … but I could never have done it without you.”

“I’m very glad to have been of assistance. You know, I feel quite good about us. You’re a much nicer guy than I originally thought.”

“Ha ha! You’ve grown on me yourself! Now what?”

“Well, you’re welcome to leave if you’d like.”

“Really? I’m free to go?”

“You always have been. Good luck with the sailing!”

“Thanks, I think … but, if I get lost again, will you bring me back for a chat?”

“Sure! I’m always here.”

“Can we start with the lights on next time?”

“Now that you’re used to this place, I see no reason why not.”

“That makes me feel much better about revisiting. You’re the best!”

“Yes, I am.”