Archives for March 2014

Born to Write

I was born to write
Yes, it’s my birth right
As I grasp my pen and ink overflows, my paper is suffocating
As my hand struggles to live up to my expectation
What happened to education
Oh I am lost in confusion
I hope this is all just a misinterpretation
Whatever happened to inspiration? Motivation?
Lets blame it on the television
And these words come alive in a lyrical form
And thats how I know it’s not just a poem
But a beat of life
As these words flow in riddles
My mind untwists misunderstood concepts
These concepts create a rhythmic movement from my mind effortlessly
Ever so free
This is not to make sense
I’m an entertainer
Let each line be a lesson
Let me give you a reason
To listen.

Sun Fly

An insect flying at night time
searching for light
gets trapped in a light bulb cover.
Suddenly it’s searching for something else other
than what it initially sought.

It longs for the dark again,
but it fears that too.
And so it rests… doesn’t move.
Too cursed to think,
and the body immobilised by exhaustion and imprisonment:
it accepts –
as if to say: ‘OK, I lose’.
It even forgets it once could fly
and just waits to die.

Written by: Heath Muchena