Archives for October 25, 2014


You make me realise, no matter what they do that it is still me and it never be someone else
My friends don’t call, my enemies are laughing
I could not even see with my own eyes
Killers never get away with murder, but murders are no doubt killers
I wish I was between the clouds, I have never seen anything so far yet so meaningful
Now you see and maybe you will understand
That is not all I wanted to say, but nothing I want to say more
Woke up… Woke up the dream is over, that one is a…..nightmare, a night man, an owl in the night, a night heart, night eyes, night lies, but that one look very closely look again
Beauty without thought
Eyes with no sight
Bells ring, but who pulled the rope?
The beast with all this beauty
Clouds mystery of all
A boy in a dress a girl was put in her shoes or maybe was his boots
Without the penny it still goes around
My battle my life for my life given by the most high
If nature did not impress her, what would?
A friend without a secret
That bird that was once free now is caged
My plea, my outmost plea freedom
My cry is now for us, not to forget them
Is it you who killed me or are you my killer?
My eyes red, tears blood
My mouth closed………………………………and my tears are tears of tears