Archives for October 21, 2014

The plight of the living

Have you ever felt like screaming…..?
But know one hears your thoughts.

It’s like I’m living this daily…..
But only ten times worse.

The world should be our canvas……
But instead we are its curse.

So when will it end..?
When… the human race has been dispersed.

Oh No! …this is not a twisted plight….
No! I’m not a tree hugger

I just don’t think ……
Killing the living is right.
The oracle 707

True State of Mind?

Why is it so hard….for people to see?
I feel like I’m the only one suffering.

I don’t see through special glasses…..
Or even pray to the sea……..

I’m talking about this unsavoury character, called democracy…

Also I don’t think…..BEE…
Stands for bind everyone for eternity.

I’m not trying to be clever or even trying to rhyme…

But I’m getting a bit annoyed, with people’s state of mind.

You would jump to the conclusion, we talking about mine…..

But my dear it’s the opposite….
So for now I’ll just sign.
The oracle 707


Just yesterday I felt like i couldn’t walk, I felt like it was the end for me
Just yesterday i had it all, I felt like it was my moment
Like it would remain as is, then again just yesterday
I was sad i felt like i couldn’t carry on, I was ashamed
It just felt like the whole world was watching me and laughing at me

Just yesterday i was happy, I felt like i was at the top of the world
Like nothing could go wrong, I was the moon looking down on the stars
I felt like i could be anything i wanted to be, everything was just a breath away
Today looking at yesterday I realize the only difference is my thoughts
My strength lies in my thoughts; I can channel the right energy and Change my life
I can look at the glass half empty and soon enough it would be empty
It was my choice

Then one day i woke up, looked at my life and I made a choice
I changed my thoughts, I made a promise that i would refrain from being pessimistic
I was going to let yesterday be live my today and make the best of it
Because truly speaking yesterday is gone…

The plight of the living

Have you ever felt like screaming…..?
But know one hears your thoughts.

It’s like I’m living this daily…..
But only ten times worse.

The world should be our canvas……
But instead we are its curse.

So when will it end..?
When… the human race has been dispersed.

Oh No! …this is not a twisted plight….
No! I’m not a tree hugger

I just don’t think ……
Killing the living is right.
The oracle 707