Archives for November 12, 2014

Too Soon

Its still too soon for us to grow old.

When caterpillars start flying,
They don’t even notice the greener grass but the tallest branch that grows.

Its never too soon;
But can be too late.
Its never too late,
Death to flesh is always too soon.

Breath has everything too lose,
To death that has nothing to lose.

Its too soon, Lingers.
When hormones Flicker.
Where more home builders,
Strike when homes are wrecked by branded beamers.

Tossed coined into hard soil.
Head flipped to the tail,
Hapiness locked prisoned in jail.

Its too soon for the poem to end in the middle of nowhere.
Its too soon but I apologise I have to go somewhere.

Its too soon…

$igned : Lucky

Victory In Defeat

Heart in shreds.
Eyes still shed.

Stars replaced by lightbulbs.
Mars seperated from Venus.

Victory defeated .
Truth somewhere in History.

History defeated.
Truth remaining a mystery.

Pregnant desires remaining so.
Born fires leaving cold.

Caterpillar falling from its cacoon.
R.I.P butterfly
Would you take for the moon?

But the ground swollowed.

Now I know for my heart it wasn’t you.

$igned : Lucky

Seeds Aren’t Certain, So Is Love…

Autumn leaves blowing in spring.
Abundant tree but the fruits refuse to fring.
Branches reaching out to passing wind.

Trees baring wrong fruits,
Bit Adam,
So what makes you think that you’ll be their madam?

Sun turns its back,
Photosynthesising in the shade.
Hose crying on the dusty floor.
Fertile soft soil,
Hardens & watches me spoil.

Absent in harvest.
When ripe; Present with spoons while others pave with forks.

Nothing is for certain.
Plant seeds; bring light open your curtains.

Anything that doesn’t grow is dead.
Let go of hurting love.
Anything that grows dies.
Hang tight to love while the time can.

Emotions grow in winter,
Love blows in autumn.
Mind settles in summer.
Now let the heart blossom in spring.

$igned : Lucky


Burried lost forgotten seed.
Siting in the dark,
Slowly growing into the light.

Excuses delaying its growth.
Lies blowing the truth away,
Decomposers worming they way to the stem,
Fruits hiding inside afraid of the stomping tramping boots of men.

Fertilisers numbing for the moment,
Tyrant winds wrenching to that planted moment.

Tears watering the soil.
Seed clinching unto the Family Tree Roots;
Slow the harvest,
All because the farmer was not honest.

The seed grew into its own tree,
& Broke the branches of the family tree.

Two became Three,
You, me & the secret that was a seed planted in me that couldn’t let me be.

I cut the grass;
Releasing the slithering snakes that crawled & held from the start.

I raked the leaves,
I prayed for my family tree not to leave.

I took the seed to the light;
A flower that bared the wrong fruit;
Blossomed to a rose,
Surrounded by thorns that resembled our fear of telling the truth.

Secrets will spoil like milk;
The longer it remains , the sour it will go.
The bigger the stain, the sharper the pain.

Secrets will make you their servant.
Starts as that tadpole, that grows & bounces leaf to leaf eating all the dirty flying insects.

We don’t know the direction of the wind,
Uncertain if today that bird will wake up & sing or take off across seas.

Be honest talk,
Hold hands walk.
Love hurts when time reveals,
Time heals when love reveals.

Take those dimmed seeds to the light & save the family tree.
Don’t plant in the dark your branches will never grow free.

Love keeps no records of wrongs,
Secrets slow feelings & that true love prolongs.

$igned : Lucky