Seeds Aren’t Certain, So Is Love…

Autumn leaves blowing in spring.
Abundant tree but the fruits refuse to fring.
Branches reaching out to passing wind.

Trees baring wrong fruits,
Bit Adam,
So what makes you think that you’ll be their madam?

Sun turns its back,
Photosynthesising in the shade.
Hose crying on the dusty floor.
Fertile soft soil,
Hardens & watches me spoil.

Absent in harvest.
When ripe; Present with spoons while others pave with forks.

Nothing is for certain.
Plant seeds; bring light open your curtains.

Anything that doesn’t grow is dead.
Let go of hurting love.
Anything that grows dies.
Hang tight to love while the time can.

Emotions grow in winter,
Love blows in autumn.
Mind settles in summer.
Now let the heart blossom in spring.

$igned : Lucky


  1. the title/intro is:
    very great

    my favorite line is:
    Anything that doesn’t grow is dead
    Let go of hurting love.
    Anything that grows dies
    Hang tight to love while the time can.

    Keep writing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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