Few words for the world

Kindness breeds love, love alters a paradigm
Augmenting pragmatic notions through my works deifies my dogma
Want to need, need to greed, greed to immorality, immortality to Homo sapiens extinction
Humans no more that highly evolved apes made up of trillions of cells
Primitive in desire but now trained not to anticipate change
Cardinal principals of caring dispositions all in union will form the required equilibrium
Matter in the cosmos we’ll not comprehend
Complex mechanisms operating in amalgamation
A hybrid, a range of metamorphic entities in celestial cohesion. Atoms, Neutrons, Electrons, a kinship.
Different but inseparable, all together performing there function
Candid acceptance of aesthetic diametric as they share congruent focal points
The stratosphere filled with wonder
Moon a matriarch of the night, the sun its lover, giving birth to stars
As we espouse to reach a heightened self, kindred spirits are summoned
Let the inception of our humble genesis negate us from an approaching climax

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