• It felt like I was a ghost, floating through the gathered people: friends, family, colleagues, well-wishers … they all had a similar response to seeing me. Women would give me a sympathetic look and then divert […]

  • “Helllloooo! Is anyone there?” “Hi. Yes, I’m here.” “Thank goodness! This is all very confusing. Where are we and why is it so dark?” “You mean to say that you don’t know? Why, you’re in you, my friend.” “Wait … what? That makes no sense! What are you talking about? Please quit with the funny […]

  • So many people walk through life, with the idea in their heads, that someone else is responsible for their success and daily breads. They praise his name and blank their thoughts, on occasions when they win and when they lose, it’s not their fault, “it must be worldly sin”. No doubt, it must be comforting, […]