
Just yesterday I felt like i couldn’t walk, I felt like it was the end for me
Just yesterday i had it all, I felt like it was my moment
Like it would remain as is, then again just yesterday
I was sad i felt like i couldn’t carry on, I was ashamed
It just felt like the whole world was watching me and laughing at me

Just yesterday i was happy, I felt like i was at the top of the world
Like nothing could go wrong, I was the moon looking down on the stars
I felt like i could be anything i wanted to be, everything was just a breath away
Today looking at yesterday I realize the only difference is my thoughts
My strength lies in my thoughts; I can channel the right energy and Change my life
I can look at the glass half empty and soon enough it would be empty
It was my choice

Then one day i woke up, looked at my life and I made a choice
I changed my thoughts, I made a promise that i would refrain from being pessimistic
I was going to let yesterday be live my today and make the best of it
Because truly speaking yesterday is gone…

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