Beautiful be your name

Every time my eyes fall on you I fall,
All my residual images and thoughts of every other person crumble,
And there you’ll be!,
Not only in my eyes, but my mind, my head,
All alone on that wall of fame with no competition at all,
Governing all my emotion,
You are beautiful.

Do you’ve a talent? rhetorically I ask,
Only to see if you’ve eyes to appreciate who you are,
To see that which is for all to see and thus yourself obliged to accept responsibility for,
So if your answer isn’t beauty, I am disappointed.
Scientists sat to find out the origins of talent,
Was it congenital or influenced by the World’s pressures?,
They concluded,
But ooh how wrong they were,
practice only perfects,
Talent is the only thing we bring to this earth and take with us to the grave,
wasted or utilized,
What I wouldn’t give to see you shine and stay beautiful.

Yours is a unique talent,
Skin deep it may be,
But what is the world without skin? A horror movie!,
And a world with yours is blissfull, full of mirth,
A sign from the heavens of perfection that awaits us when we hurdle past the horrors of this life,
I see the pains in your eyes,
The burdens that a talent displayed for all to see bear,
The carnivorous men feasting on your flesh and hurting your soul,
But weep not and stand up straight to face the world in the eye,
For you are an Angel!
Your smile embodied with Jiu Jitsu flowing your veins can conquer and command the world,
Send chills up and down every man’s spine and consign them as far as at world’s end,
Because your beauty enslaves manhood.

Letters, words put together desperately trying to define Us briefly,
Give meaning to what, who and why we are,
Yet it seems burdensome an art which none of our parents have mastered,
So to me?
Beautiful be your name!

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