I was pleased to hear your name
I was amazed to see a face like you
Your smile, time stop for that moment to wonder
Scared as I was my heart would have break if I said not hello
For once I took notice of my voice and yours was unbelievable
I said my heart out
I told of secrets kept hidden from the rest
I held you and assured you of never letting you go
My life was for you to protect
I held your hand and walk with you through that storm
Your tears I hold precious not to fall down
In your eyes I saw not an angel, but the image of the most high
You told me I was everything that your inside longed for and likewise I said
I called you not darling, sweet heart neither my half, but by your name and you said it was sweet, and your name is sweet
Then suddenly I was walking by your place
I saw you holding his hand and I nearly died of honestly
Was it really you my sweet turning bitter on me?
I believed it not
You saw I and your head went down and my head turn in the other direction because of disappointment
It was the truth we lost it, we really have lost it
You told me the day after my heart break that you never meant to hurt me
It was the truth you were always going to hurt me
I left and tears like a flood came rolling down my cheeks
I wanted to despise your existence, but my love was too pure to consider it
Storm and storms and weather grey become my daily existence
Was I dead inside for my smile was just a waste, but definitely a frown
Lady so sweet left me fragile
One day I smiled with I to see what will come forth
The thought of you disappeared like a long memory in the mist
Finally was I free from you
Then one day I heard you were looking for me
I found you sitting on a branch of a fallen tree; broken did I feel like the tree
You came running and hug i
Your eyes were full of tears, I wanted to push you a far from me, but only could hug you and embraced you
I hugged you because I knew the hurt you felt and nobody deserves it
You said he broke your solid heart and the pain was not bearable
I told you to stop because sense you were making not
You cried, I had nothing to give to you to wipe your tears
You asked me how could He?
I asked you how could he?
You said how could he take I away from you, but remember you let me away from you
It was getting late; can I take you home I asked? You said no, because you had no place to call home as I was your only home.
I tried to ignore you and what you were saying, you begged for forgiveness. For what I asked?
Please forgive me for the hurt and pain I caused so replied, I said don’t worry it is already done and I was okay with a face mixed with emotions.
I would not show my disappointment neither my hurt… damn you screamed
What went wrong you asked? I replied and said nothing went wrong only your greed was best answered.
Believe in me and I believed in you.
I asked if you will be fine and you said totally you were fine
Only to be find out to be the most scared of them all even though she said I ‘m beautiful
You are forgiven because it is the greatest of all gifts I would give….. goodbye our paths have crossed again.


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