Cloud Of Rain(Love) – By Antholeen Petersen

Love is the shower that rains down when you don’t expect it.
When a cloud hovering over you intends rain and you think you’ll do well to reject it.
But let’s perfect it
And say that Love rains down like a storm at sea, tempest tossed at every turn Churning the inner workings of your being
And truth be told from the words of Antholeen
I’ve never seen love up close and have not yet felt it’s rain
But unlike anything else love is an act that allows a spectators gain
As I’ve seen one try to make on their own And then fall into a trap, love strapped
To making a home.

Love rains down and though we tend to frown at the arrival of a cloud
Before long rain turns to bells as we’ve hear the wedding sound.

Romeo, He said Marry me Juliet, and then we’ll never be alone.
I’ll be yours like a ray of sun, where the two of us shall become one.
For what God had joined together, let nothing put asunder
As the rain of love had pulled us under
Under a cloud intending rain
And Before long we had much more than rain to gain
And I see it
Spectator at much, looking on to the arrival of an everlasting love.
And I wonder
What God had joined together let no man put asunder
as some enjoy the plunder
Of falling time and time again
Into love with 2 hearts to one just as God would intend.
See I’ve only but seen it.
The showering rain of love
And love can only come from above.

Because Love is the shower that rains down when you don’t expect it.
When a cloud hovering over you intends rain and you think you’ll do well to just reject it.
But let’s perfect it
And say that Love rains down like a storm at sea, tempest tossed at every turn Churning the inner workings of your inner being.
And so I’ve seen it. – Written By Antholeen Petersen

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