
I don’t know why but you still give me sleepless nights…
It’s like every time I try to move on my heart fights…
I thought my world is dark without you but Its time for me to turn on the lights…
I’m lighting up the path to what the future holds for us so I can get valuable insights…

On how to deal with all this newly acquired spite…
I can’t believe that you’re still the reason that I write…

Every line ,every stanza, every poem represents our relationship with fine precision…
If I could write about anything else then that wouldn’t be my hearts decision…
It’s funny how my mind greets my hearts love for you with derision….
You probably don’t get it within myself my mind and heart face a division…

My brain questions what my heart believes but they both know this is not lust…
As love so pure shared between two people can never turn into dust…

It won’t because dare I say it I LOVE YOU it’s that simplistic…
So my Aphrodite take my hand and let us be more optimistic…
There’s no need for me to continue being sadistic…
It’s time for you to let your heart talk so that you can stop being so pessimistic…

While our hearts throb for a life of a relationship…
Your mind confines us to a life of friendship…
You can’t want a friendship when all you offering is an acquaintanceship…
I’ve showed loyalty! ,I’ve proven myself! dammit
don’t I deserve your companionship…

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