Mama, I met the decorated Soldier

I met the decorated Soldier,
A commander of great standing
A man of virtue with discipline, a decorated Soldier with dignity
I believed in what I have convinced myself over the years
Much to my ignorance, my beliefs were washed away by my tears
He was not a commander with honour, but another decorated soldier.
Mama I met the decorated Soldier.

So much could be drawn from his breath, a stench of death.
Facts I ignored to believe in empty promises and baseless kisses.
Caught up in his artificial verbal swirls, for that moment the world was mine
Being naïve and just another silly girl in the world, I held tight to every word.
Deep inside those expensive suits, was an undignified character of no virtue
Mama, I met the man who became commander by chance.

An expensive ego but a cheap man underneath
Flaunting sessions did bring mixed emotions, but I chose to see acknowledgement in action
His fame and wealth positioned his pride, Something he never tried to hide.
Being a woman, I gave in to the charming ego, an intimate betrayal to my ego.
For a moment I forgot of my honey badger spirit, I became most girls.
Mama, I’m shamefully saying I fell for the undignified hero

Selling me a billion rand dream, I stepped on my pride like a rug
I gave in and melted like cheap butter on a cold mug.
When reality kicked in, everything was just cold
I realised the soldier was just another sailor passing by
He lied, left, disrespected and broke what was fragile
Mama I was hurt and betrayed by the man whose actual duty was to lead and protect

A man I looked up to him as being wise, He proved to be anything but wise
He was just another Hero who rose to fame by chance and a price tag
Through him I realised I may not have luxuries but I have the treasures of life
Mama I met the decorated soldier an empty man with so much priceless things to acquire
Honor, discipline and dignity are not for sale and far off his reach
Mama I met the decorated soldier, together with the strong woman I am.
Mama I met the man who inspirit was just another fallen Soldier

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