• Nyambose wrote a new post, LIFE 9 years, 7 months ago

    Behind thick university walls they taught me nonsense
    The totalitarian despot scribbled on the choke board
    Trying to create an economic and political slave
    Empty of self-uplifting notions and far from being […]


    He felt the fresh Atlantic brine breeze creeping over his scarred face like hairy legs of a minute invisible hobgoblin. His heart bubbled with flooding gushes of delight as the thought of […]

  • Weep not for me
    My fall from the tree is not a phthisis
    But an arcane concatenate series of nature
    In which my life is ceaseless

    Upon reaching the ground I do not become fallow
    ,But soon enhance its […]

  • Nyambose became a registered member 10 years, 3 months ago