Never Wanted To Miss You

Snatched in your youth;
I never wanted to miss you;
Asking God why your movie credits rolled too soon;
Your life’s story has missing parts, so why did you fly past the moon;

Don’t understand life, why you?;
You were good not as bad as me;
So why did God allow you too leave?;
Didn’t He ask if you want to stay before entering eternity;

Did you say you wanna?;
I don’t believe it cause you would never hurt your Mamma;
I know God knows what He is doing;
But what about us left with this drama;

I ain’t mad;
Just finding it hard to understand;
Sad that your life was washed away like footprints in the sand;
I need you back;

Like a train that just missed the track;
I feel just like that;
Here today, but gone tomorrow;
I needed a warning before this instant sorrow;

My heart’s hollow;
Making your passing hard to swallow;
I’m miss you just so you always know;
Will find it harder than most to let you go;

Even though I’m all alone;
My heart will forever be your home….

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