Being the very best is hard…
it means you must walk the extra yard…
never give up…just never give in….stay true to who you are….you are the one who sets the bar …set you’re mind to it…..within you’re hart you will do it…don’t be afraid to fail…….if you’re soul is strong you will prevail ….if you fall ,get back up and keep walking tall
Archives for August 9, 2013
No Pain Just Go Insane
wild times
broke as shit…my financial status about to make me flip..down a jaga,,go on a wild trip…..hit the rollette …4 out of 4 neva to regret .on my way home as the thickness of my wallet has grown…think ill make it now,luck on my side,rainman the one whom made me more wise,thank you for the riches,thank you for keeping it within the triple digits ……..let it rain….let it fall as money keeps us walking tall….we are free,,,we can now see…face it without fear..face it with no regret wich always ends with a tear…