Jesus, He loves me more than He should;
He looks past all the bad things that I do;
As I look upon His face;
All I can see is mercy accompanied by grace;
A love that never seems to fade;
That washes all my guilt away;
Goodness that surpass all understanding;
And relentless faithfulness everlasting;
He has never failed me once;
Even when I fail Him, He always welcomes me back like the prodical son;
He blesses me as though it’s a must;
He has made me fall in love with Him because of all His unconditional love;
Even before I know that I’m in trouble, He sends help from up above;
There’s something about His name;
Like the sweet fragrance after the rain;
So I send praises on high;
Just to see Him smile;
Because before I ever called Him Father, He called me child.
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