Message in a Bottle (A sailor’s promise)

So I sit and wait,
As the tied rises and rises,
My cup of tea grows cold,
Patiently waiting for your ship to anchor at my harbor,
So many have wondered into my midst,
Lifting hope to the heavens thinking its you that sets anchor at my harbor,
Only to find a ship but not the one that holds my lover,
Your words hold my ground,
But yours is a sailors promise to come back,
Keeping me by the peer only to watch the tied rise,
The sea that stands between me and you,

So I keep the light house spinning,
Keeping the night as bright as day,
Making sure you never loose your way to my arms,
And thou I know that I am not as dear to you as you are to me,
I will still shine that light never losing hope,
I will still sit by the peer in this blistering cold,
Patiently waiting for your ship to set anchor in my harbor,

So I know now what I should have known then ,
That your return was but a myth,
I will still keep this light house alive,
So I know that my dear friend will never loose her way to my arms,
For my memory of us forms the foundation of my protest,
The thought of you is what I hold dearly with my life as thou I were hanging the edge of a cliff,
This feeling does not age it grows stronger by the day,

And still I remember your words,
But unfortunately yours is a sailors promise to come back,
Keeping me by the peer, only to watch the tied rise,
The sea that stands between me and you,

Forever I will lie here and wait,
To keep this lighthouse spinning,
Making the night as bright as day,
So that my dear friend never loses her way to my arms,

I hope this message in a bottle travels thru this sea of emotions and finds its way to your heart,
So it may give you comfort were ever your ship sails,
Knowing that someone out there,
Still sits by the peer,
With a cup of tea and open arms,
Waiting for your ship to anchor,
I will miss you forever my dear friend,

By Mbuluma Silumbwe

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